Focus Group Image

Hawknation! Macon County Schools is in the process of developing and refining the district's strategic plan. Nantahala School will be hosting four facilitated focus groups to get student, educator and community input for the MCS Strategic Plan. This coming Monday, March 4, 2024 is the day that Nantahala School will hold its four facilitated focus groups. The day will begin with MIddle School students, then High School students, followed by the Faculty and Staff and the day will culminate with a Community Focus Group. The Community Focus Group is scheduled for 5:30 to 7:00 o'clock that evening. All members of the Nantahala Community are invited; Parents, Caregivers, Business Owners, Church Leadership, and any other Stakeholders in the Nantahala and MCS school community. For more information, please call the school at 321-4388.